Sunday 26 June 2011

Shelter explored

Thankfully I have one. Besides the marvellous floorboards that I am pretty sure are made of this stuff 
a long time ago, it is boring, bland and dull. but it is also dry, sunny and very comfortable. Therefore I like it. 

It holds a double edged sword too: it is more than 4 minutes walk  from a pub in any direction. Recently it would have been less than 1 minute to the pub, but alas, this one
 has been closed to make way for gentrification shelter.

So the three frontrunners for my local pub are this one, this one and this one.  If you've been paying attention you'll notice that  the first has a very dull website and somewhat euphemistically described itself as having "huge beer garden" . Well not so soon I say. More to the point, a car park with tables in it beside a very lorry (culturally sensitive word for "truck") prone road does not a beer garden make. So minus one point for that. On the other hand, they do play a fine selection of German Techno music just like this:

 at ear blood spitting volume, during the day, when nobody is there, so full marks for ingenious anti-marketing. 

Frontrunner no 2. is cool (as in people that frequent there are verging on looking like this:

 and it is dangerously very conveniently located between a train station and my shelter. For the alcohol indifferent think Monopoly (more on that later too) and "passing go" and simply collect pints of beer  instead of $200. 

Frontrunner no. 3 is in the lead because it is tiny and it feels medieval. In a 'Brave Heart used to drink here' kind of way. It also has a pretty good hidden local feel about it. Anyway, don't you think its purdy: 
enough shelter for now. I am going outside because it is sunny.  

1 comment:

  1. Snooty Fox was my local guvnor. Mate of mine, PJ spins garage R&R there quite regular. We used to live in Pyrland Road, just round the corner. N Bell put me ont ya blog. Sitting here drinkin homebrew with the kids.
